It’s Not Complicated
The other day, I was chatting with a potential coaching client and asked a simple question:
"So, tell me, what kind of work does your nonprofit do?"
His response was one I’ve heard many times before (and maybe you’ve even said it yourself).
"Well… that’s a little complicated."
What followed was a long, detailed explanation, packed with too many words. By the end, instead of understanding their mission more clearly, I was actually more confused.
Sound familiar? If you’ve ever answered the “What do you do?” question with “Well, it’s complicated…”, I have good news.
It doesn’t have to be.
The 2-Sentence Fix
Next time someone asks, stick to just two sentences—yes, just two.
Sentence #1: State the specific problem that exists.
Sentence #2: Explain how your nonprofit is solving that problem.
That’s it. Not two paragraphs. Not a whole backstory. Just two sentences.
Here’s how it works. Imagine you're at a backyard BBQ and someone asks, "So, what does your organization do?"
Here’s a great way to answer:
You: “We’ve found that the suicide rate among high school students in our county is 21% higher than anywhere else in our state.” (Notice, it’s simply a 1-sentence statement of the problem.)
“So, our organization offers after-school counseling and mentoring programs for at-risk grade school kids, so that by the time they get to high school, they are mentally healthy.” (The 1-sentence explanation of How your nonprofit solves the problem.)
Clear. Simple. Powerful.
A Common Mistake to Avoid
It’s very tempting to answer this question with just the second sentence—jumping straight to what your organization does.
For example:
"We run four bookmobiles to bring books and tutoring to kids in rural areas."
That’s great, but why does that matter?
Instead, lead with the problem:
"40% of kids in our county don’t have access to a library." (Problem first.)
"So, we operate four bookmobiles to bring books and tutoring to kids in rural areas." (Solution follows.)
See how much more impactful that is?
Keep It Short & Specific
It’ll be tempting to say more. To explain more. To add just one more thing.
Stick to your two sentences, and you’ll make a much stronger impression.
So, let’s try it—how would you describe your nonprofit in two sentences? Drop your version in the comments!