It’s Not Complicated

The other day, I was chatting with a potential coaching client and asked a simple question:
"So, tell me, what kind of work does your nonprofit do?"

His response was one I’ve heard many times before (and maybe you’ve even said it yourself).

"Well… that’s a little complicated."

What followed was a long, detailed explanation, packed with too many words. By the end, instead of understanding their mission more clearly, I was actually more confused.

Sound familiar? If you’ve ever answered the “What do you do?” question with “Well, it’s complicated…”, I have good news.

It doesn’t have to be.

The 2-Sentence Fix

Next time someone asks, stick to just two sentences—yes, just two.

  • Sentence #1: State the specific problem that exists.

  • Sentence #2: Explain how your nonprofit is solving that problem.

That’s it. Not two paragraphs. Not a whole backstory. Just two sentences.

Here’s how it works. Imagine you're at a backyard BBQ and someone asks, "So, what does your organization do?"

Here’s a great way to answer:

You: “We’ve found that the suicide rate among high school students in our county is 21% higher than anywhere else in our state.” (Notice, it’s simply a 1-sentence statement of the problem.)
“So, our organization offers after-school counseling and mentoring programs for at-risk grade school kids, so that by the time they get to high school, they are mentally healthy.” (The 1-sentence explanation of How your nonprofit solves the problem.)

Clear. Simple. Powerful.

A Common Mistake to Avoid

It’s very tempting to answer this question with just the second sentence—jumping straight to what your organization does.

For example:
"We run four bookmobiles to bring books and tutoring to kids in rural areas."

That’s great, but why does that matter?

Instead, lead with the problem:
"40% of kids in our county don’t have access to a library." (Problem first.)
"So, we operate four bookmobiles to bring books and tutoring to kids in rural areas." (Solution follows.)

See how much more impactful that is?

Keep It Short & Specific

It’ll be tempting to say more. To explain more. To add just one more thing.


Stick to your two sentences, and you’ll make a much stronger impression.

So, let’s try it—how would you describe your nonprofit in two sentences? Drop your version in the comments!

Matt Stockman

Hi, I’m Matt Stockman. I’ve got over 30 years of nonprofit leadership experience, and have raised 10’s of millions of dollars for individuals and organizations of all shapes and sizes (including all the money for my own family's overseas missions work), and I have learned a lot over the years.

Let me put all this knowledge and experience to work helping you, so that you can grow your nonprofit to be healthy and sustainable for the future. My mission is simple: to equip you with the tools, insights, and expertise to grow your nonprofit and achieve the impact you’ve always envisioned.


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